Why Is the Program so Good?

The Elegance In Style training program provides a high-quality experience for five major reasons:
  • It has been developed by professionals in fashion design, fashion and cosmetics consulting, fashion retail, corporate consulting, and education
  • For ten years, it operated as an educational non profit with a Board performing regular review.
  • It has over a decade of experience in graduating women who have successfully pursued fashion consulting and related fields.
  • Instructors must prove complete mastery of the material to be authorized to train.
  • Instructors are members of the Association of Image Consultants International and subscribe to its Code of Ethics.

The twenty-four hours (three days) of classes are engaging and interactive, and are reinforced with text and written case studies. Students are also provided hands-on experiences with volunteer clients and are observed for target procedures and techniques. Students must pass a final exam to receive certification.

Additionally, tuition covers the cost of some key start-up materials, including:

  • 2 texts with step by step instructions, background information, references, and Internet resources.
  • Color analysis drapes, hand mirror, and tape measure.
  • Master copies of booklets and brochures for all kinds of services that you can copy   royalty-free.
  • Access to telephone and email support from a “coach” on an as-needed basis.

In Style
Thank you so much for a wonderful training!! After taking a break of more than 10 years as a professional product designer in the fashion manufacturing industry, the EIS Fashion Consultant training has helped me understand fashion in a different light and it all makes sense. Shopping for clothes is more of a wonderful experience.... I know what I need, what I want and in the colors that best suit me!!!  Now that I'm a certified fashion consultant, I can't wait to help others gain this confidence in making the right choice...
- Stephanie Wong, Singapore