The Elegance In Style Program is based upon a comprehensive, woman-centered curriculum rather than product-oriented services.
The Founders of Elegance In Style, Incorporated chose this approach because they believe that each and every woman - no matter her race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, or socioeconomic standing - has an inherent, profound, and immutable dignity as a human person. Fashion and all its related goods and services are subordinate to any woman anywhere and at any time, and should result in the improvement of her quality of life.
Therefore, all concepts and skills are taught with a sensitivity to the needs and wishes of the student, and only those skills and concepts are taught which promise long-lasting benefits to women in general.
Curriculum Details
The Elegance In Style Fashion Consultant Training Program is owned and edited by its Trainers, who select and train independent fashion consultants to use it for their own fashion consultant training programs.
Editorial review of the Program is only completed by a review committee of Trainers. If modifications and additions to any program are desired by another authorized trainer, a proposal for these modifications must be submitted to the Lead Trainer. Under no circumstances may a Trainer modify the program in whole or in part. In this way, the high quality of the programs is ensured.
The EIS Fashion Consultant Training Program covers the following topics:
1. The nature of fashion and its relationship to the human person.
2. A brief history of fashion.
3. Elements of Design: Silhouette, line, materials, and construction.
4. The Elements of Style: Body type and strategies for creating the optical illusion of proportion; Fashion personality; and color palette.
5. Wardrobe analysis and design.
6. Thoughtful consumerism and shopping for the client.
7. Organizing and marketing consulting services.
8. The basics of hair, skincare, and makeup.
9. Etiquette.
Practice with clients is provided, and a qualifying exam is required to earn the Successful Completion certificate.